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10 Ways Including Kiss , HIV Virus Gets Inside.


One of the many taboos that exist in our country is HIV, so much so that people even hesitate to be around, or shake hands, or rather be in any kind of a contact with an HIV-positive person.

Well, when there are many ways, including ones you probably haven’t event thought of, through which one can contract the sadly incurable disease. We list a few of them.

1. Polygamy

Monogamous relationship partners are in less of a risk than polygamous ones, as they have one sexual partner in any point of time. Use appropriate protections if you practice open relationships or are polygamous.

2. Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol, although not a direct cause of Aids, predicate the chances of it. Most of the cases where people have acquired the dreaded disease have been through careless unprotected sexual encounters while under the effect of alcohol.

3. Kissing

Although HIV doesn’t spread through saliva, but if the partners have bleeding gums or sore mouth, which may trigger mixing of the blood with the saliva, then it becomes a huge risk.

4. Pregnancy

When an already HIV-positive woman carries a child, it has a high risk of being HIV-positive as well. The unborn can also contract the disease if the mother is introduced to the virus during pregnancy.

5. Oral Sex

Although HIV viruses don’t spread through fellatio or cunnilingus, they do spread if there is a direct contact with semen or vaginal fluid during the process.

6. Blood Transfusions

This used to happen more in the earlier days of HIV, when a recipient got an infected organ through a transplant, or infected blood through transfusion.

7. Breastfeeding

Even an HIV-negative baby can contract the disease if an infected mother or woman feeds it her breast milk.

8. Eating food Pre-Chewed by an HIV-Infected Person

If the infected person has an injured mouth, and the blood mixes with the food, then the disease can be easily transmitted to the one eating that food later. This case is mostly found in infants.

9. Contact with Open Wounds

Contact with wounds or open cuts of an HIV-positive person may bring you in a high risk zone of contracting it.

10. Biting

Biting again makes the recipient vulnerable to coming in contact with the blood of the infected person. If the bite penetrates the skin, then risk is higher. If the skin is not broken then the person is safe.


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